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How to get to  "THE REDBIRD LODGE" (formerly known as “East Camp”)

Mapquest address:        49682 887th Rd, O’Neill, NE  68763.

Coming from the south:  Find O’Neill, Nebraska on the map.  We are located 15.5 miles north on US Hwy 281 then east 4.7 miles on an asphalt road numbered 887.  You will see a metal Gobble n grunt sign at the property.

Coming from the east or the west:  Find Spencer on the map.  We are 14.8 miles south on US Hwy 281, then east 4.7 miles on an asphalt road numbered 887.  You will see a metal Gobble n Grunt sign at the property. 

Phone Number:  402-336-1478

Gobble 'n Grunt Outfitters, LLC
Chris Colfack, Outfitter
Mike Zmek, Outfitter
608 Pawnee Ave, Genoa, NE 68640
Information and Booking: (402) 459-5823 email: Chris@gobblengrunt.com
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