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Turkey Hunting Checklist

-Hunting Licenses and Stamps:
Permits must be purchased at  https://ngpc-permits.ne.gov/NGPC-PS/faces/public/welcome
    Follow the easy online instructions to download your turkey permit as soon as they become available for purchase (usually about February 1).  You will have to choose your weapon (shotgun or archery).  If you are on a two turkey hunt, please purchase two permits.  You also need to purchase one Habitat stamp to hunt in Nebraska. 
-Trip Cancellation Insurance  (see website for quote)
-Hunters’ Safety Card (from any state) if under the age of 29.
-Shotgun: 10 or 12 gauge, recommend camouflaged gun.  Be sure to pattern your gun before your hunt!!
-Bow and Arrows: If archery hunting
-Shotgun Shells: 3 inch or 3.5 inch magnum 4 or 5 lead shot.  We have had the best success with Hevi-Shot.
-Boots: Comfortable mid calf or higher waterproof hunting boots for walking (potentially several miles per day)
-Camo Face Mask
-Camo Clothing Head to Toe

Several light layers are recommended so you can shed layers as the day progresses.  Make sure one of those layers is windproof and waterproof.  Expect to handle temperatures from 35 to 75 degrees.
-Turkey vest including seat pad
-Turkey chair or padded cushion: For sitting if you don’t have one attached to your vest.
-Turkey Calls
-Camoflage hat
-48 Quart or larger cooler:
For transporting your turkey(s)
-Lightweight camo gloves
-Camera: Extra film and batteries, or battery charger
-Water Bottle
(for in the lodge)
-Hunting Knife
-Shotgun Soft Case
-Shotgun Hard Case
(if flying in)
-Driving directions to camp (printed from the BOOK-A-HUNT tool)
-Airline Tickets
-Cash or Traveler’s Checks
-Passports (if applicable)
-Personal Medications
-Small Flashlight
-Insect Repellant
(May Only)


Gobble 'n Grunt Outfitters, LLC
Chris Colfack, Outfitter
Mike Zmek, Outfitter
608 Pawnee Ave, Genoa, NE 68640
Information and Booking: (402) 459-5823 email: Chris@gobblengrunt.com
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