Please keep one copy of this receipt
and confirmation for your records.
Sign, date and return the original to Gobble'n Grunt at the address below with your deposit.
For Camp directions (click here)
For What to Bring List(click here)
For Online Payment(click here)
Warning and Release Agreement
I/We the undersigned , do understand that the trip I/we am requesting to participate in, and is being offered by Gobble'n Grunt Outfitters, LLC, is classified as "ADVENTURE RECREATION SPORT ACTIVITY". I/We further understand there are inherent elements of risk always present in any "ADVENTURE RECREATION SPORT ACTIVITY", despite all safety precautions.
I/We accept fully all such risks and do hereby agree to accept total responsibility for all personal injury and or property damage sustained during any such "ADVENTURE RECREATION SPORT ACTIVITY" by myself and/or the non-legal age minor or person under guardianship of applicant stated above.
I/We further understand that I/we will be participating in a "Wilderness Experience" and that the meaning of this term is defined as follows: The pursuit of adventure type activity in a wild, rugged, and uncultivated area or region, as of forest and/or hills and/or mountains and/or wetlands, which would likely be uninhabited by people and inhabited by wild animals of many types and species to include, but not limited to, mammals, reptiles, and insects, which are not tame, may be savage and unpredictable in nature and also wandering at their will.
It is further agreed that should medical treatment be required, I and/or my own accident/medical insurance company shall pay for all such incurred expenses. Should my actions cause injury or damage of any kind, I and/or my own personal liability shall pay for such damages.
In consideration of Gobble'n Grunt Outfitters, LLC allowing my participation in this activity, under the terms set forth herein, I/we do agree to hold harmless and release Gobble'n Grunt Outfitters, LLC, its owners, agents, employees, officers, members, premises owners, insurers and affiliated organizations from legal liability due to Gobble'n Grunt, LLC's ordinary negligence; and I/we do further agree that exept in the event of Gobble 'n Grunt, LLC's gross and willful negligence, I shall bring no claims, demands, actions and causes of action, and/or litigation, against Gobble'n Grunt, LLC and/or its associates as stated above in this clause, for any economic and non-economic losses due to bodily injury, death, property damage, sustained by me and/or my minor child in relation to the premises and operations of Gobble'n Grunt Outfitters, LLC.
I/we, the undersigned, have read and do understand the foregoing agreement, warnings, release and assumption of risk. I/we further attest that all facts relating to me/us are true and accurate.
Please keep one copy for your reference and records.
Return original to:
Phone: 406-363-0801
Email: jamesbrion@msn.com
Refund Policy: Depostis are non-refundable.
Hunter Education: Hunters born on or after January 1, 1977 must have successfully completed a state certified hunter education course prior to hunting and they must have their valid hunter education card in their possession while hunting in Nebraska. Separate certification require for Firearm and Bow
